Author: sean

  • Screenplay Structure and Outlining

    This morning I was doing some blog reading and came across Screenwriter411’s post STRUCTURE – The 9 Essential Scenes. It’s a good post about the necessity of structuring your story and outlining in screenwriting.

    I’m a fan of structure. What I have never been a fan of is outlining and planning. I find outlining frustrating. I would much rather be writing. I just want to jump in and do it. I think most people would rather just write than spend the time planning.

    As I started writing scripts before attending New York Film Academy’s (NYFA) Screenwriting Program I would get stalled a lot. The stories were always missing steps. When I attended NYFA we were introduced to basic screenplay structures and methods of planning and outlining a script. I didn’t care for them at first ,because of the aforementioned hatred of planning and outlining. Eventually, I came around and realized that my stories are much better developed and structured when I take the time to plan and outline before getting into the meat of the script.

    I’ve developed a sort of intermediary outlining method between what I learned in school and my own aversion to outlining. My method is to create an outline defining eight sequences across three acts. The sequences I got from school and different teachers had different names for them but they were all talking about basically the same thing. They are roughly based around Joseph Campbell’s “The Hero’s Journey.”

      Act One

    1. “Ordinary Life”
    2. “The Call to Adventure”
    3. Act Two

    4. “Rules of the New World”
    5. “Plan Number One”
    6. “Happy/Sad”
    7. “All is Lost”
    8. Act Three

    9. “The Final Battle”
    10. “Aftermath”

    That’s the structure I use for outlining. I create a simple text document and plug in a description of what should happen in each sequence. When I have specific ideas for scenes I write descriptions of those scenes. Otherwise the outline is very general. This mostly works for me. Still, I get stalled sometimes. I know something is missing or that a particular sequence is weak but I’m not sure yet how to fix it.

    I think the structure offered on Screenwriter411 might just be the solution to my problem. On Screenwriter411’s post nine key scenes are described.

    1. The Opening
    2. What’s on Page 10
    3. Crossing the Threshold
    4. Pinch Point One
    5. The Midpoint
    6. Pinch Point Two
    7. End of Act Two
    8. The Climax
    9. The Final Scene

    I like these. These are what I’ve been missing. I plan to integrate these scenes into my future outlining process. They fit very nicely into my existing process with the acts and sequences.

    This is just an early step in the planning process. I have been trying to make a habit of writing “Step Outlines” (some have called them “Beat Sheets”) before digging into the script after this. It’s been a bit of a fight with myself to better integrate these planning stages to my writing process but I’m slowly winning out and it’s improving my scripts.

    I’m interested in hearing other outlining and structure methods, if you’d like to share them in the comments.

  • First Trailer for Modern Prometheus

    You can visit for regular updates on the film and more videos.

  • Help me fund my next short film

    Over the past few months I’ve been working on shorts, some my own and some written and directed by friends João Lameira and Mafalda Melo. The work we’ve been doing has been instructive. We’ve made some mistakes and we’ve learned a lot. The shorts we’ve been working on have all been between 3 and 10 pages long. This month we are in some of the final pre-production stages for shooting a 30 minute short. It will be directed by me with Mafalda acting as Director of Photography, João Lameira as the Assistant Director, and fellow former New York Film Academy classmate Barbara Maia as Producer.

    This new project is a horror short inspired by Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein entitled “Modern Prometheus.”  The short is about Beth, a young professional living in Brooklyn with her boyfriend, Henry, a former writer turned IT professional. The relationship between Beth and Henry deteriorates as he becomes more and more obsessed with the story he has begun writing. As Henry’s obsession gets worse, Beth is plagued with nightmares that seem to be breaking into her waking life. Beth tries desperately to save Henry from his obsession and herself from the nightmares plaguing her.

    We are looking to raise $2,000 for this short. There are costs related to props, transportation, and equipment that we need to cover but what we really want to raise the money for is paying the cast and crew. Honestly, $2,000 means they won’t be paid much but it means they will be paid. We’d like to be able to hand each person who joins in on this project a check, because, frankly, a “Thank you” and a screen credit don’t even buy a sandwich much less pay the rent.

    We want you to help us make this happen. We’d like you to make a donation to this film so that these fine, talented people don’t have to work for free. What do you get in return for your generous donation to our project? No matter what you get on-screen credit (if you don’t want to be named you will simply be listed as “Anonymous”) but a higher donation gets you more. The levels are:

    LEVEL 1 $0-$50

    • Your name goes under “A Very Special Thanks to:” list in the closing credits of the film.

    LEVEL 2 $50-$100

    • You get an “Assistant Producer” credit in the closing credits of the film.
    • You get a free digital download copy of the finished film.

    LEVEL 3 $100-$250

    • You get an “Associate Producer” credit in the closing credits of the film.
    • You get a free DVD copy and a free digital download copy of the finished film.

    LEVEL 4 $250 or more

    • You get a “Executive Producer” credit in the closing credits of the film.
    • You get the free DVD, the digital download, and a signed and bound copy of the script to compare to the final product.

    To donate to the film now, just click the PayPal button below. Thank you so much for your willingness to support at whatever level you can.