Author: sean

  • The Ultimate Guide on How to Submit to Film Festivals

    This post was originally published on KitSplit’s Viewfinder Blog

    Film Festivals can be a vital part of the life of a film’s life cycle. With thousands of festivals around the world, though, deciding which festivals to submit your film to and when to submit can be overwhelming. I am a filmmaker who has shown films at several festivals and submitted to many more. Recently, I also served as a director of a Brooklyn-centric film festival called The Art of Brooklyn and reviewed over 130 submissions. This gave me a new and helpful perspective on submitting to festivals. Together with the KitSplit team, I’ve drawn on research and experience to put together the following guide to help you navigate your film festival submission strategy. 

    How Should I Start My Film Festival Strategy?

    Ideally, you should start thinking about your strategy during the production of your film. That doesn’t necessarily mean you need a full list of festivals you plan to submit to before you’ve even finished your film, but you should have an idea of the approach you’ll be taking. Consider where your film fits in your career. Is your film a fun weekend project you made with a handful of friends and a shoestring budget or is this your crowdfunded calling card you’re hoping will bring you to the attention of the people who can take your career to the next level? The answer to that question will determine how you approach festivals. 

    Once your film is complete and before you submit to any festivals, then you should start putting together your strategy. Your strategy starts with a realistic assessment of your film. Start with your niches: what genre is the film, is your film for a specialty audience, do you or the subject matter of your film fit in any category of marginalized groups, where does the film takes place, where did you shoot the film, and so on. Break down the potential audiences for your film. That will inform the festivals you should submit to. 

    After you’ve assessed your film, start researching festivals. Research festivals that your friends and colleagues have had their films accepted to, the festivals you’ve heard of that sound like where you want your film to appear, and festivals that are appropriate for the assessment of your film and the niches it fits into. Your research should include what the cost of submission is, when the deadlines are, when the festival is, and what they’ve accepted in the past. Also, take some production stills and behind-the-scenes photos during production to include in your application! 

    Preparing to Submit to Film Festivals

    Does Premiere Status Matter?

    Premiere Status is an important consideration for your film whether you’re submitting your first feature-length drama or your tenth documentary short. When, where, and how you’d like your film to premiere is an important consideration for you. This will be the first time the general public can experience your vision. You want to make a big deal of it and if it won’t be at a top-tier festival, you should make an effort to Premiere somewhere you have the greatest potential audience like the city you shot the film in or your own hometown festival. 

    For festivals Premiere Status can make a difference in your selection. If your film has already screened in their area, it is likely the potential audience for the film in their area has diminished. Film festivals want to screen the best of their submissions, certainly, but they also need to consider turn out when programming the festival. If you already screened in their area, there’s a real danger that your screening at their festival will be empty, which is not good for the festival or for you.

    Shorts vs. Features

    This is a little different for shorts versus features because short are typically programmed in blocks and if one short has a small draw that’s not as much of a problem for the festivals as a feature with a small draw. The other factor many filmmakers are concerned about with Premiere Status for shorts is if the film is already online. Short of the Week did the research and found that 2/3rds of top film festivals will accept films that have already premiered online.  

    Do Your Research

    Do your research on the Premiere Status preferences of the film festivals you’re submitting to. If the festival prefers to have Premiere Status, they will say so. Sometimes they state they have no preference. Sometimes they prefer to have world, regional, or city Premieres. If it is a factor, they will include that in their submission guidelines. Then, you must decide how that impacts your submission to their festival based on your strategy. 

    Should I Write a Cover Letter?

    Don’t ignore the potential usefulness of the Cover Letter option. A Cover Letter is a brief letter a filmmaker writes to the Festival to introduce themselves and why they believe their film would be a good fit for the festival. Almost every submission platform for film festivals offers the option to add a Cover Letter. Take advantage of this. If they never read it, you probably won’t know. If they look for it when considering your film and maybe they’re on the fence, it’s worth the time if it secures your film a spot in the festival. 

    Your Cover Letter should have four basic elements: 

    • Who you are
    • A description of your film
    • Why your film is a good fit for their festival
    • Be short

    In one page you should be able to introduce yourself, your film, pitch your film, and thank the festival for considering your film. Keep it tight and polite with relevant information only. Most of this you can and should develop a template for. Introducing yourself and describing your film can be the exact same paragraphs for every Cover Letter. The only things you’ll really need to adapt for every letter are your initial greeting and why your film is right for their festival.

    Make it Personal

    You must personalize the Cover Letter as much as possible. Why should a film festival care about programming your film, if you can’t take an extra five minutes personalizing some text? Taking the time to personalize is going to help you get the attention you’re trying to get by writing a Cover Letter in the first place.

    When personalizing start with the Greeting. Find a name–the Festival Director, the Programming Director, the Submissions Director, or any other appropriate name–for who may be reviewing the submissions and address the Cover Letter to that person directly. Then pitch your film as a good fit for that specific festival. Tell them why you want your film to be a part of their event. Tell them why their festival made it to your list whether that’s because they programmed a similar film, you’ve attended the festival, it was recommended to you by a fellow filmmaker, or you just really love what they do with their festival. Be honest and be brief. They have a lot of films to watch and there may be a lot of Cover Letters to look at.  

    Outreach to Film Festivals

    Just submitting your film to the festival isn’t all you can do. You should also consider reaching out to the festivals you’re submitting to. There are a few ways you can do this and lots of ways you definitely should not do this. 

    Asking for Waivers

    One thing that you should absolutely do is email the festivals and ask if you can get a submission waiver for your film. Talk up why you’re excited to be in their festival in particular, why your film would make a good fit for their audience, and don’t forget to tell them about the film itself while you’re doing that. You should not, however, do this if the festival explicitly states it doesn’t offer waivers. Some will ignore you and some will say they don’t offer waivers. Others will send you a discount code instead. A few will send you a waiver code. Politely accept their answer and proceed accordingly. 

    Working Your Network

    Another method for outreach is to find out if you have a connection to anyone on the selection committee for the festival and send them a message about your interest in submitting. You may be asking them if they can connect you with someone you can request a waiver code from. You may just ask them if they think your project would be a good fit. I can speak to this one personally from both sides of the process.

    This year I served as the Guest Director for the Art of Brooklyn Film Festival. When I submitted for last year’s festival I’d reached out to that year’s Guest Director, Victoria Negri, who I had worked with in the past about a waiver code. That got me a discount code and we were ultimately accepted into the festival and won the festival’s Best Narrative Feature award. Not necessarily because I had inquired, but I suspect the festival selection committee paid more attention to the submission, because that’s what I did this year. 

    When it was announced I was the Guest Director, I received a few inquiries from friends and even some people I didn’t know at all. Some knew Victoria and reached out to me through her. Not all of the films that reached out got in, but each one that had reached out stuck in my mind more because the filmmakers had made a point to reach out and make that connection. 

    Film Marketing

    Press Kit and Marketing Materials

    Before you start submitting to festivals, you’re going to need to get your ducks in a row for Press and Marketing materials. When you’re accepted to your first festival you should be ready to start doing outreach and marketing to the potential audience as soon as the acceptance is public. 

    What you should have ready to go for your film festival run are: 

    • A Synopsis of the Film
    • A Director’s Statement
    • A Director Biography
    • A Poster in multiple sizes and formats
    • Stills from the film
    • Key Cast and Crew List with Past Credits
    • Links to the official website and social media accounts
    • A Trailer

    Not every festival or press outlet you reach out to will use all of these items, but all will need at least one and you don’t want to be stuck trying to put any of this together at the last minute. 


    Write a brief synopsis of what happens in the film. Ideally, you should have multiple versions of the synopsis. One that is a page long, one that is a paragraph long, and one that is a sentence long. The sentence long synopsis is likely just your logline, but something tight that introduces the audience to the film will prove quite helpful. Your synopsis should be written in neutral language. Don’t tell us about how beautiful the film is, just tell us what happens.

    A Director’s Statement and Biography

    Whether you subscribe to Auteur Theory or not the Director remains a central figure to the film and where they are coming from in the production of the film is of interest to those who might want to watch the film. People want to understand the person behind the art. The director’s statement and biography help them to do just that.

    The biography should be a brief introduction to where you come from, how you came to be a filmmaker, where you are now, and where you’re headed. Include anything specifically relevant to the film. For example if the film is about a particular region because you spent summers there as a child and that is not otherwise apparent from your biography, make sure to include that. 

    Film Festival Circuit has some good advice on crafting your Director’s Statement. One of the first questions many filmmakers get asked in a Q&A session after a film is what inspired the film. That should be the center of your Director’s Statement. Why did you make the film you made? What inspired you about the topic? For what reason is your perspective important on this topic? Make a clear statement and show the passion you have your film in your statement. 

    Your Poster

    Even if you never plan to print it out put together a poster for your film. This is a way to catch people’s eye and help your film stand out. Don’t wait until someone asks for one to make it. Get one together as soon as you can because your poster is valuable not just for your Film Festival run but for enticing potential viewers for the entire life of your film. A digital poster can go a long way.

    What to Include in the Poster

    Your film’s poster should include the title in a large, easy to read font. It is very likely many people who see it for the first time will see the poster very small. Open the poster on your phone and then pinch the image so it’s half the size of the screen. If you can read the title still, that’s the right title size. 

    Include a clear representative image for your film for the poster. It can be a production still, a graphic, or artwork. Try to avoid using a screengrab, but that is still better than nothing. You want the imagery to grab the attention of a person scrolling past and make them want to look closer while also giving them a sense of what the film is about. 

    You can also include cast, crew, and production information on the poster but often this will be too small to read or even something you’re asked to remove on certain platforms. 

    Technical Specifications for Your Poster

    Beyond the content for the poster you need different formats. You should at minimum have it available in a printable 11”x17” size, a tall 9:16 aspect ratio, a wide 16:9 aspect ratio, and as a square. Some may ask for it in additional sizes base on their needs. You should have each format available in 72dpi for the web or 300dpi for print. You’ll also likely need it available as a jpeg or a photoshop PSD. There isn’t really a standard request for poster formats, but these are very common.

    Production Stills

    Take still photos during production. Yes, if you’re shooting 4K, 8K, 12K or whatever the latest resolution is you can take a frame from the image and have a printable still. It still might not look quite right. Use the photo function on the camera or grab a cheap DSLR and take some actual production stills. 

    When it comes to putting together these materials make sure to get a lot of stills and then pick the stills you like the most and are going to be thrilled to see over and over again, because you’re going to. These stills will appear on film festival websites, catalogs, brochures, postcards, press coverage, and sometimes even projected on screens. So, choose the ones you’re going to be happy to see over and over again. 

    Key Cast and Crew List

    While the Director is often the focus, a cast and crew list that helps people identify other key members of your team is very helpful. In some cases the involvement of other team members and their past associations can even help you gain traction in festival submissions, or help attract an audience. Make the list and note what part work each has done people may have seen. Include your producers, director of photography, editor, principal cast, and then anyone else who has a credit someone may recognize. Did a supporting cast member have a brief role on a sitcom? Put that on the list. 

    Official Site and Social Media

    You should establish an official home for your film online and link to relevant social media. Not every film needs its own website or Twitter/Facebook/Instagram accounts, but you should have something or your production company should have something where people can find out more and be able to easily find out more about the film. Look to our Film Marketing 101 post for more about how to approach your Official Site and Social Media.

    Your Film’s Trailer

    Your film should have a trailer. Even a five minute short should have at least a 30 second video. You’re a filmmaker and you want people to come and see the film. There’s not really a better way to sell people on seeing the whole film than seeing a sample of it. That’s what your trailer does. It shows your potential audience what they may be in store for. This is a vital tool for marketing your film at festivals and beyond.

    How Many Film Festivals Should I Apply to?

    The most important question to ask when it comes to how many festivals to apply to is how much did you budget for film festivals? Submission fees can run from free to hundreds of dollars depending on the festival and the category you’re submitting to. Aside from submission fees you also have to consider travel costs if you plan to attend the festivals you’re screening at, which is something you should absolutely try to do. Once you know your budget you have a good starting point for how many festivals you can apply to. 

    Budgeting for Festivals

    You should also consider that the more festivals you apply to, the more you are likely to get into. This isn’t a guarantee and depending on your past track record, or lack thereof with festivals your results may vary. 

    Take these things into consideration when you start to build your list of the festivals you’re applying to. Filmmaker Magazine found that many filmmakers end up spending an average of $1,537 submitting to an average of 65 festivals for an average 24 month festival run. If you add in travel, lodging, and marketing materials costs to that, you’re looking at a very expensive festival run. Outside of top-tier festivals that kind of run is unlikely to provide the kind of exposure to you want to justify the cost and the time. 

    Set a reasonable budget that is reasonable for you for your festival run. Factor in not just submission fees, but also travel costs, lodging costs, and estimates for marketing materials you may need to bring like postcards. Then move on to making your list of the festivals you’d like to apply to factoring in these potential costs and prioritize your list. If you are unlikely to travel to attend a festival, then it should not be a high priority to submit to it. The strength of festivals is the opportunity to forge relationships through meeting fellow filmmakers face-to-face. So, budgeting to attend is very important.

    What Film Festivals Should I Apply to?

    Apply to the film festivals that are most appropriate for your film. Yes, you can stretch. You can submit to the Sundances and the SXSWs and the Tribecas. Reach for the stars. You can’t win if you don’t play the game and so on. Still, go in with your eyes open about the reality of your chances to get into those festivals and don’t necessarily put all your eggs in that basket. IndieWire has a great piece on dispelling the “Sundance Myth.”

    So, once you’ve submitted to your dream festivals it’s time to look at the assessment you did of the niches your film fit into and find festivals in those niches. Don’t just submit to all the festivals in those niches, though. There’s still likely to be a lot. Go through the programs for the previous year or two of the festival and look at what else they screened. Is there anything similar to you film? If there is, they’re more likely to like your film. So, prioritize those films. 

    One particular niche group you should prioritize are local and hometown festivals. Think about it this way: the festival wants to sell tickets to screenings. They want to recoup costs at least. So, think like their marketer might and find festivals that may be interested in your film local to you and your cast and crew, because that’s a network most likely to fill a theater. Also, do you or anyone in front of the camera in your film have a festival in your hometown? Then submit there. That can help pitch the screening, and the festival, to local press and bring more people out to the theater, as well as all those old hometown friends who want to see your amazing new project. 

    How Do I Know Know Which Film Festivals are Legitimate?

    There are thousands of festivals and one thing that comes up again and again in filmmaker conversations is, which of these is a real festival and which is a scam? It can be tough to identify and the first thing you should do is trust your gut. If you have a bad feeling about a festival, there are others out there in the world. Submit to the others and don’t worry about that one that set off a red flag for you.

    A couple of things to be wary of that don’t necessarily mean a film festival is illegitimate, but warrant a bit more investigation when you see them:

    • Lots of awards, 
    • The word “Awards” in the name,
    • A festival that has existed for less than two years,
    • Higher submission fees than other festivals even for Earlybird submissions,
    • A very short turnaround time from the final submission deadline to the announcement,
    • Online festivals,
    • Monthly festivals, or
    • Festivals with rolling deadlines.

    Again, none of these on their own are necessarily a reason to expect a festival isn’t legitimate, but when you see these, take a few extra minutes and look through the festival’s website, social media, and do a bit of Googling on the festival. See what people may have had to say about them before sending in your film. 

    When Do I Apply to Film Festivals?

    Apply to Film Festivals after your film is complete. Yes, there are festivals that accept works in progress, but unless that is an explicit category where they actually are eager to share works in progress, you may find yourself submitting an unfinished film that gets rejected, because it just didn’t measure up to other films that were complete. Most festivals are annual. If you really want to submit to that festival, wait until next year. If you wanted to premiere at that festival, well then you should make sure you’re finished first. 

    Once you’re finished with the film and it’s as polished as you can make it, then start submitting to festivals for their earliest deadline. The earliest deadline is the cheapest deadline and the more early deadlines you hit the more budget you have to submit to more festivals. 

    There is not necessarily one season to submit your film. Film Festivals are accepting submissions year round. That said, there is definitely a time period during which top festivals are open for submission and that is the fall and winter. Sundance, SXSW, Tribeca, and Cannes among others all happen in the early months of the year, which means they’re all taking submission in the last quarter of the year prior. So, if those are your target, get your film finished before September. 

    What Not to Do When You’re Rejected

    You’re probably going to get rejected from some festivals. I know your film is amazing and everyone loves it, but you’re still probably going to get rejected. Getting rejected is no fun. There’s no shame in feeling hurt or even mad about it. That’s a totally normal reaction. What you should not do, however, is vent those feelings publicly. 

    Whatever reason you may think your film was rejected, don’t go on a rant in a public forum about it. Don’t send a nasty email back to the festival about it. Don’t send them Facebook messages or direct messages. If you need to vent, call up your best friend and go off on it and swear they don’t know what’s good. Then, get on with your life. There are more festivals. While you can submit to them it also bears mentioning that they may be watching. A bad reaction to a rejection can hurt your chances with them if you’re not careful. 

    What to Do When You’re Accepted

    Getting accepted to a festival is a great feeling. Celebrate the acceptance. Share with cast and crew. When you can share it publicly, do so with your social media networks. Remember that your work isn’t done, though. It’s not enough that you submitted. You’ve also got more work to do, because now you have to get people to your screening.

    While it is the festival’s job to get people to your screening, it’s also their job to get people to all their screenings. You only have one screening to promote. So, promote it. Ask the festival how you can help promote your screening, if there are press opportunities you can be a part of, and what local press you can reach out to to pitch your film and screening. Get your marketing machine rolling for your film for the screening. If you need help with how to market your film, check out our Film Marketing 101 guide.

    At the minimum you should be sharing your screening with your social media audience and whatever email list you have. Do at least that for every festival screening of your film. Remember that having a screening whether you can make it or not is a great marketing opportunity for you and your film. This gives you something you can celebrate and talk about for months to keep your film in the minds of your potential audience. 

    Finally, if you can, attend the festival. If it’s feasible, don’t just go to your screening. Go to as many screenings as you can. Attend panels if you can. If there is a lounge or an afterparty, go and meet fellow filmmakers and use the festival as an opportunity to make friends and potentially meet future collaborators. 

    Do I Have to?

    As a filmmaker and from my recent experience working with a festival I’ve seen, and asked questions along the lines of “Do I really need to do [Insert Anything From Above]?” Some of these things may seem annoying, difficult, time-consuming, or just pointless. The answer is always: “No you don’t NEED to do any of these things.” You might be fine without them, but the flipside of the democratized filmmaking landscape we all live in today is there are a lot more filmmakers out there vying for the same limited film festival screening spots. While we shouldn’t view each other as competition necessarily, we should consider that its best not to give a festival a reason not to program our films in their limited slots available. Any one of these particular elements may give you the edge you need to rise above the rest of the submissions. Do yourself and your film the favor of being able to say you did everything you could to get it into the festivals you’ve submitted to.


  • Making a First Impression: How to Create An Amazing Opening Title Sequence for Your Film

    This post was originally published on KitSplit’s Viewfinder Blog.

    The opening titles for your film or show can be vital for setting the tone of what the audience is about to get themselves into. And a great opening title sequence can have a life beyond the core material. The title sequences for the James Bond films are infamous and often parodied, including in last year’s opening title sequence for Deadpool 2. The Simpsons couch gag opening has been used as a vehicle to highlight talented animators. Depending on when you grew, up a group of 20 somethings dancing in a fountain in central park or a series of vintage black and white images of crowds celebrating in bars bring back memories of a favorite sitcom. A great opening title sequence sets the tone and stays with us. 

    So, how are you going to grab us with the amazing opening title sequence for your masterpiece? You’ve got a lot of options today, many of which you can accomplish yourself, if you’re on a tight budget and want to put in the time. With easily accessible tools for Motion Graphics like Adobe After Effects or just a camera and some markers, you can bring just about any idea together. 

    Before you dive in to making your titles, check out Art of the Title for inspiration. It’s a website dedicated to the phenomenal work that has gone into creating titles for film and television. A few personal favorites include the posts on Stranger ThingsHalt and Catch FireTank Girl, and Pee Wee’s Playhouse

    Clean Opening Titles

    If you have something like a straightforward, lean indie drama on your hands you might not want to get too complicated with your titles. Choosing simple white text on a black screen can make a statement on what kind of film we should expect. There will be no frills to this film or show. If that’s the case, exploring the wide range of fonts available to you can help give the film an identity even if you are keeping it simple. Adobe’s library of fonts are available to you if you are a Creative Cloud user. Google Fonts is another great resource for fonts for your titles. 

    Keeping it clean doesn’t mean it has to be plain, though. Try these Corporate Title methods from Premium Beat to add a bit more to your clean titles, this animated text stroke method, or this clean typography method from Sonduck films.

    Be wary of the font you choose, though, as the wrong choice could seriously distress Ryan Gosling:

    Genre Opening Titles

    You don’t want to keep it simple, though, do you? No, you have an exciting film and you want us to get excited as soon as those credits roll. We need to get amped from the get go. If that’s the case, it’s time to learn After Effects or another motion graphics program so you can create dynamic titles with just a few images, the right fonts, and a lot of patience.

    There’s a lot of tutorials out there for different kinds genre film titles. A lot are designed to replicate famous films’ title sequences. Some offer amazing looks if you download the right sets of plug-ins and others focus on keeping the workflow only to what’s available in the motion graphics program out of the box. Here are some examples divided up by genre including interviews with title designers for films in the genre. 

    Action Titles

    Fantasy Titles

    Science Fiction Titles

    Horror Titles

    Retro Opening Titles

    Retro is always in, though what particular decade you’re referencing does tend to shift as time moves forward. Perhaps someday prevailing tastes of today will be retro? Nonsense. What’s cool now will always be cool! Whether you’re doing a period piece or something else that would benefit from giving your film a retro vibe trying to recapture that vague remembrance we have  of styles past can be a bit tough. Here are some helpful tutorials on designing retro 1980s style titles: 

    Create a Handmade Opening Title Sequence

    Maybe you don’t want to make digital titles and you’d much rather shoot something. You shot your film on a camera, why not do the titles the same way? You can create some really unique and fun titles for your film making them by hand and shooting them. 

    There are a lot of different ways to approach this. You could do something like the original Star Wars opening crawls from the 70s and rig the camera over the printed titles and slowly dolly over the printed text. Grab a white board and write your titles on the board one at a time and video or photograph it. Also, you can print it on sheets of paper you shoot. You could have the credits tattooed to your body and capture each one. Maybe don’t do the last one.

    One popular way to do it is to utilize stop motion animation techniques. Whether you’re using clay to make a Gumby-like animation, the aforementioned white board, or taking every day objects and having them move, stop motion can give you some really interesting options for shooting your opening titles. 

    If you want more inspiration for creating Opening Titles, try these 5 Easy Tips from Premium Beat or this break down ofOpening Title Sequence Trends and How to Replicate Them

  • Film Marketing 101: How to Build an Audience for Your Film

    This post was originally published to KitSplit’s Viewfinder Blog.

    You’ve finished your film! Congratulations! Now you need to get people to watch it! That’s where marketing come in. Despite what you may want to believe, just because you built it doesn’t mean they’ll come. You’re going to have to tell people about it. Luckily we live in this marvelous digital age and we don’t have to resort to driving to independent video stores and selling our tapes to them out of the backs of our Buicks (but how fun does that sound?). 

    The first reality you need to face about marketing your film is that it’s best to start early. Ideally, film marketing starts before you start shooting and continues throughout the process. If you’re an independent filmmaker, one of your major audiences is other independent filmmakers. Transparency throughout your process is going to be your friend when it comes to your film marketing strategies. Whether you’re starting your film or you just wrapped post, get started with the basics we cover here.

    We are taking a broad look at film marketing strategies here. We will address branding and defining your audience; making a website; how to approach social media, press; video hosting; paid advertising; film festivals; and even leveraging real world interactions.  

    Branding and Audience for Your Film

    Before we dive into specifics, take a minute to consider branding. Your film’s branding may evolve as you learn more about your audience and what they respond to, but to get started you need to get a sense of how you want to present it and what elements you want to foreground. 

    First among these branding concerns is the title of the film. Whatever you named the film should be a major part of how you name the accounts you create. That includes your website and any social media accounts. Name them after the film so that people looking for your film on those platforms can easily find it and so that people who stumble across your film can easily remember the name of the film when they go looking for it elsewhere.

    The second consideration is your audience. Who do you think is going to like your film? What does a typical audience member for your film look like in terms of age, education level, and other interests? This will drive a lot of your choices about platforms to use for your marketing. 

    When setting up the accounts on various platforms described below, if graphics aren’t your thing, try services like Adobe Spark or Canva to help you with creating easy and affordable header images, profile images, and other graphics.

    Don’t Forget Personal Branding  

    As you think about digital marketing for your film, you should also think about digital marketing for yourself as a filmmaker! This will help you build your brand between films and thus drive people to your films. Plus, if the digital marketing for your film goes well, people will want to know who’s behind it—that’s you! We’re going to focus this guide on film marketing strategies, but a lot of the recommendations below are applicable to you, too. As you’re making a website and social profiles for your film, consider making them for yourself, too, if you haven’t already. Don’t be shy! 

    Making a Website for Your Film

    Having a film that doesn’t have a website of its own, or at the very least a dedicated page on your personal or production company website, is a missed opportunity for building your audience. Today getting a website setup is very simple and, relatively speaking, inexpensive. 

    At the bare minimum your website should have a synopsis of the film, a list of key cast and crew, a representative image like a poster for the film, and information on if or when people may be able to watch the film. 

    Ideally, when you’re marketing the release of your film, you should have all of those things plus a trailer for the film; links to where people can watch it; links to any press you’ve gotten for the film; your press kit to share with said press when you’re pitching your film to be covered by them; behind the scenes photos; production stills; a blog that at minimum is announcing screenings, festival acceptances, and release dates; and anything else that might entice potential viewers. You might also consider a newsletter signup form so you can alert interested parties of screenings down the line. Mailchimp is great for this, and provides an easy-to-embed form.

    Where You Can Setup a Website

    You can setup your website with any number of services. Some popular Content Management Systems (CMS) for building websites for films include:

    • Wordpress – a mature platform that is in use by a significant number of sites (33% of the internet!). The least expensive option, starting at $5/month at It’s free to download and install on another host server, if you’re technically inclined…but compared to the options below, it requires more tech savviness.  
    • Squarespace – another mature platform but with a drag and drop interface that is more comfortable for those who are less technically inclined. Very easy to use, sleek looking, and great customer service. Starts at $12/month.
    • Wix – a slightly newer option with an easy to use drag and drop interface. Starts at $11/month.

    You’ll need to register a domain name for your project, too. If possible, get the title of your film. If you can’t do that, try the title of your film plus “film” or “-film,” “thefilm,” “-thefilm,” “movie,” “themovie,” or some similar variation. Whatever you choose here, try to keep it consistent with your social handles!

    WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace services offer for you to register your domain name, but you may also want to try

    Social Media for Your Film

    Social Media is a tricky beast to tame. What platforms to use and how to use them really varies a lot depending on your personal preferences and where the audience might live for your project. There is a good argument for having at least a presence on the three major platforms FacebookInstagram, and Twitter. Some people don’t trust Facebook, some don’t understand Twitter.  In my opinion, you should use all three, but Instagram is the most vital tool because it’s visually oriented and where a lot of filmmakers, and film fans, hang out. 

    As stated above, you should ideally get started with this before your film is complete. Especially Instagram. Your fellow filmmakers would love to see you share your behind-the-scenes antics!

    Social media is a great starting point for building on audience without spending money, but remember it’s really just a starting point. 

    Best Practices

    If you search for best practices or how to use various social media platforms you’ll find a lot of results. In the end when you dig through it all and evaluate what everyone has to say it comes down to three factors:

    1. Quality – You need to be posting quality content.
    2. Consistency – You need to post consistently.
    3. Community – You need to be approaching the platform you’re using as a community that you are participating in. 

    So, your best practices for social media are post content that’s valuable to the community beyond your own desire to advertise your film. Share about your film. Be transparent about process and celebrate your collaborators. Share cool looking behind-the-scenes shots or production still. Articles or information about topics relevant to your film from other platforms are also useful for sharing. Share the successes of others in the community. Makes sure to share all of this consistently, which doesn’t mean hourly, daily, weekly, or any other specific timing, just that if you start sharing behind-the-scenes photos from set on your Instagram on shoot days, don’t skip a shoot, make sure that people who follow you can expect something from you and it will help keep your film in their mind.

    The most important best practice is really to remember that social media is intended to be social. It’s intended to be something you’re an active participant in, not something you’re broadcasting to. To that end, being positive and not being a jerk tend to go far.

    Instagram Strategy

    Instagram should be in your plan for digital marketing as a filmmaker. It is full of your fellow indie filmmakers and they are going to be some of the first people to notice your film and be an audience for your film beyond the people who worked on it and your friends and family. So, get them hooked early with a strong Instagram presence.

    Your Instagram strategy starts with your profile. Choose a profile name that matches your website URL. Include your logline for the film and the current production status in the description. Link to your website. As with everything here, if you can get started before production begins, even better. 

    Your Instagram posting should be focused on your project. If you’re getting started during pre-production, share teasing shots of the script, wardrobe tests, make-up tests, photos of crew or cast prepping, and so on. During production get photos of people setting up for shots, actors rehearsing, the slate, cool gear you’re using, cool props and other things that you might find interesting if you were scrolling Instagram. When you hit post-production share the timeline of the project in the editing platform your editor is using, show us your editor diligently cutting, the film, show your sound mixer getting that footstep just right, show screenshots from the color grade, and anything else that might entice people to want to know more about the project. Once you’re headed out to festivals or distribution, share poster images and trailers and go back share more from pre-production, production, and post. 

    The idea is to give as many people as possible a hook to get interested in your project. Not everyone is interested in the same parts of a film. So, share what you’re doing and let the audience find you. 

    Leveraging Instagram Features

    Beyond the typical feed posts, experiment with the more temporary posts to Instagram Stories and Instagram Live to try and build more interactivity with your audience. Share a tour of a cool location on Instagram Live and tell the people watching what you’ll be shooting that day. Alternatively, share an update from film festival’s you’re attending. 

    One thing that helps immensely with Instagram and building your audience is hashtagging. Hashtag every post. You have up to 30 hashtags. Use as many of them as you reasonably can. You don’t have to have 30 on every post if you start adding irrelevant tags or tags no one else uses, it won’t help you much. Include hashtags related to indie film, the stage of production you’re in, related to the person/gear/prop that is the subject of the photo, and hashtags related to the location. 

    Another thing you really should do with Instagram is set it up as a business profile. A business profile gives you access to metrics to track performance and the ability to schedule your Instagram posts from third party services. In order to have an Instagram business profile you need to link the Instagram account to your Facebook account and a Facebook page dedicated to your film. 

    Facebook Strategy

    Facebook for filmmakers can be rough if you’re not already very active and have a lot of people you interact with. What it comes down to is Facebook pages for films have some reach but many people who choose to “like” the page, will never see your posts. Outreach on Facebook from your page, for your film, can be difficult. 

    Facebook is most useful for marketing your film as first a place for people who are looking for your film to find it. It’s a popular platform. If people hear about you or your film, they will come looking for you on Facebook. So, even if Facebook isn’t a major part of how you want to market the film, it helps to have a page and to keep it active enough someone looking for the film has something to work with. Also, as stated, you need a Facebook Page to have an Instagram Business profile and open up more Instagram features.

    Make sure when people visit the page they have something to look at. Have a strong representative image for the page’s profile photo and a strong image for the page’s header image. You can also use a video, for example your film’s trailer, in the place of the page’s header image. Fill out all of the Page’s about section. 

    Your presence on Facebook may not be about directly promoting from your page. Try and share to your Facebook Page for the film with some regularity but understand you may not see strong results. Participating in Facebook Groups and sharing your content to those communities can bring you better results as far as outreach about your film. Facebook’s Events function is also really helpful for organizing around your screenings and raising awareness of them. 

    Twitter Strategy

    Twitter can be a very useful tool, but it’s not for everyone. It’s at least helpful to have a Twitter for your film, so if anyone is looking for it, they can find it. As with the other platforms, if you use Twitter have a complete profile with strong representative images for the header and profile photo. 

    Twitter is important to think of as an ongoing conversation. It is a cocktail party where you can dip into and out of any particular topic people are discussing. That means that just showing up and asking people to watch your film or your trailer or anything else isn’t going to get you far. Participate in the conversation. It’s particularly important on Twitter to be sharing relevant interesting content from other sources. Share about the inspirations for the film, articles about related topics, and the other projects from people who worked on your film. Help spread the word about other cool projects.

    Beyond just sharing links and re-sharing and talking about your project, just look at what people are talking about Twitter and chime in. During Oscar season talk about your favorite movie of the year that is nominated. If someone is sharing they’re watching one of your favorite movies, tell them how much you love it. When someone has a question about something you know about, help them out. 

    The best strategy for Twitter is to be conversational. Yes, you should be regularly sharing updates about the film and talking about the film. With that, though, you should just be participating without trying to sell anyone. Just chime in on a conversation or react to people without mentioning the film. They’ll check out the profile and if they want to engage with you about the film, they will. 

    Other Platforms

    There are plenty of other platforms out there you could potentially work with like PinterestTumblr, or Mastodon. Unless you’re already very active on them or they are particularly relevant to your film, you don’t need to really have a presence on them. 

    When there is an event around your film, even if you’re not using it to sell tickets or get RSVPs for the event itself Eventbrite can be useful for getting attention of people looking for an event to attend in the area you’re hosting the event. While it’s not a social media platform exactly, it can directly link to your Facebook Page and you can connect a Facebook Event with an Eventbrite event and use that to drive tickets or RSVPs. 

    Scheduling is Your Friend

    When it comes to all three major platforms, the ability to schedule your promotional posts ahead of time is a huge help. This is built into Facebook Pages, so you can schedule any post you set up on the page. For Twitter and Instagram you need to use third party services. These services will often also interface with Facebook, so they can give you a one stop shop for scheduling your social media posts. Some good third party tools include

    Scheduling should not be the only way you participate on these social media platforms, though. Use it to make sure you’re doing your promotion so you can spend time on the platforms interacting and participating in the communities. 

    For more on how to better use Social Media as a filmmaker try Julie Keck and Jessica King’s Book: Social Media Charm School

    PR, Press, and Reviews for Your Film

    People talking about your film is a benefit to you. Any film website, reviewer, or podcaster has their own audience they are trying to reach and some of that audience can become your audience. 

    Reach out to press that’s relevant to your film. There are plenty of film related sites available. Most lean on reviews. Take a look at Twitter and see what film reviewers have active profiles and note what their site is and appropriate ways of contacting them. 

    How to Find Press

    Another way to look for people who may want to cover your film is to leverage IMDB and that it lists online Critic Reviews for films. Go to films like yours or that your producer, director of photography, or lead actors worked on and reach out to every critic who wrote about those films pitching your film and mentioning the connection between your film and the one you found on IMDB.

    If you’re having a public screening, whether at a festival or for another reason, reach out to as many local press options as you can find and pitch your screening to them as something worth covering. Give them an option to watch the film ahead of the screening in case they would like to review it or watch it ahead of talking to you about the screening. There is a temptation to just send a press release to these publications. Don’t do that. Find a specific person at the publication who has covered screenings or the venue you’re screening at and contact them directly, if you can. Use their name and point to how you found them. It’s harder to ignore a personalized email than it is to ignore press release. A phone call, if you are so motivated, is even harder to ignore.

    How to Utilize Press

    Reaching out to press and reviews can also open you up to negative press and reviews. That sucks. I get it. You put so much time and effort–and so many other people put so much time and effort–into your film that people disliking it can be tough to hear. Take a deep breath. Have a good cry about it. Rant about how they’re terrible to your best friend. Then, accept that it takes all kinds to make a world, or different strokes for different folks, or there’s no such thing as bad press, or whatever other aphorism helps you and move on. 

    Regardless of the press is good or bad, share it. Press is good content for all of your digital marketing channels. Retweet, share, or link to that press. Tag the writer and the platform. It’s useful on social media in particular because it’s not exactly promoting your film, it’s promoting someone who is talking about your film. There’s value to that in terms of piquing people’s interest. Even share the bad reviews. Maybe not as often, but share them. If there’s something particularly complimentary in some press, put it in a trailer for the film. 

    A few examples of sites you can reach out to to get coverage on your film are:

    Have a budget to market your film? Consider hiring a PR firm that specializes in film. We’ve heard things about After Bruce and David Magdael & Associates for PR on documentaries and indie films.  

    Video Hosting

    You likely won’t need to worry about video hosting until reach post-production at the earliest. Eventually, though, you should choose where you’ll be uploading videos to allow them to be easily searchable, shareable, and embeddable. The two major platforms for this are Vimeo and YouTube and they have different advantages. 

    Vimeo is very independent filmmaker and videographer friendly and it always has been. It’s geared towards giving you a good looking experience of managing your videos. The community is smaller than YouTube’s but it’s more likely to be interested in your independent film. Vimeo also has Vimeo OTT a way for you to rent or sell your film directly to your audience. 

    YouTube is much much bigger. You could get a much larger potential audience from YouTube and you may experience greater discoverability. At the same time your trailer, behind-the-scenes clip, or film is competing for attention on the platform with videos of cute goats doing weird things. In the end you may not have the results you want from that. 

    Paid Advertising

    Social media is the free way to try and build your audience. The cost is time. That can only go so far both due to your own ability to commit time and the platforms own algorithms that decide who gets to see your content. So, sometimes you pay to get your work seen. 

    There are a lot of ways to advertise your film on digital platforms. In the end you should focus any paid advertising on encouraging people to take an action similar to what they are already doing on that platform. 

    Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram ads tend to work best for raising awareness beyond your current audience. Get more people to see your trailer or poster and ask them to visit your site to learn more about the film is probably going to give you the best results on those platforms. Paying to boost an event, like a film festival screening, can also give you good results. You don’t have to invest a lot in these platforms to get some traction. A little can go a long way. Utilize the targeting of interests and demographic information to your advantage. You’re not just looking for people who are interested in film but people who might be interested in things that your film is about. Use the tools on these platforms to get their attention with paid post boosting.

    Beyond Social Media Advertising

    Beyond your social media options you can often also pay to have a calendar listing shown more prominently on community calendars on local news websites. This can be helpful for promoting events around your film, if the audience for your film uses those sites. 

    When you’re trying to drive people to watch a film or attend a screening YouTube Ads can be particularly useful. Upload a trailer for your film, it doesn’t even have to be public, set it up on your YouTube channel as an unlisted video. Then on Google Ads set up your campaign using that video and target relevant regions and demographics. People are on YouTube to watch videos, so advertising another video to them could be an effective method of building the audience for your film, if you target the right people.

    Resources on Social Media Advertising: 

    Submit to Film Festivals

    Another great way to get your film seen is to get it in the film festival circuit! This is it’s own beast, so we’re not going to get into it here, but check out our list of film festival deadlines with more information on this. 


    We focused on digital marketing in this post, but when it comes down to it, meeting and talking to people in real life, out in the big scary world, is one of your best tools for marketing your film. If you got into a film festival, go to it. Participate in Q&As. Attend other screenings. If your friend or someone else has a screening, go to that and talk about how great that film is. Go and be a person who people want to get to know and support in their projects. These people will follow you on social media, visit your website, and share your film with their friends and network. 

    In the end, the internet is a cacophony of people yearning for other people’s limited time and attention. Going out into the world and meeting people and talking to people is the best way to focus some of that time and attention on you and your film. Hosting/attending/participating in events is also something you can feature on your marketing channels. The real life space and the internet can feed each other. 

    Film marketing is all about finding and connecting with your audience. The sooner you start, the more you can experiment and the more you can learn about your audience. You can build recognition for your film well ahead of when you’re soliciting for people to watch it, so the first time they hear about it isn’t when you’re trying to get them to pay to see it.